Section: New Results

Software Radio Programming Model

Non Uniform Memory Access Analyzer

Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures are nowadays common for running High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications. In such architectures, several distinct physical memories are assembled to create a single shared memory. Nevertheless, because there are several physical memories, access times to these memories are not uniform depending on the location of the core performing the memory request and on the location of the target memory. Hence, threads and data placement are crucial to efficiently exploit such architectures. To help in taking decision about this placement, profiling tools are needed. In [36], we propose NUMA MeMory Ana-lyzer (NumaMMA), a new profiling tool for understanding the memory access patterns of HPC applications. NumaMMA combines efficient collection of memory traces using hardware mechanisms with original visualization means allowing to see how memory access patterns evolve over time. The information reported by NumaMMA allows to understand the nature of these access patterns inside each object allocated by the application. We show how NumaMMA can help understanding the memory patterns of several HPC applications in order to optimize them and get speedups up to 28% over the standard non optimized version.

Environments for transiently powered devices

An important research initiative is being followed in Socrate today: the study of the new NVRAM technology and its use in ultra-low power context. NVRAM stands for Non-Volatile Radom Access Memory. Non-Volatile memory has been extising for a while (Nand Flash for instance) but was not sufficiently fast to be used as main memory. Many emerging technologies are forseen for Non-Volatile RAM to replace current RAM  [50].

Socrate has started a work on the applicability of NVRAM for transiantly powered systems, i.e. systems which may undergo power outage at any time. This study resulted in the Sytare software presented at the NVMW conference [25] and also to the starting of an Inria Project Lab [39]: ZEP.

The Sytare software introduces a checkpointing system that takes into account peripherals (ADC, leds, timer, radio communication, etc.) present on all embedded system. Checkpointing is the natural solution to power outage: regularly save the state of the system in NVRAM so as to restore it when power is on again. However, no work on checkpointing took into account the restoration of the states of peripherals, Sytare provides this possibility. A complete description of Sytare has been accepted to IEEE Transaction on Computers [1], special issue on NVRAM.

Dynamic memory allocation for heterogeneous memory systems

In a low power system-on-chip the memory hierarchy is traditionally composed of Static RAM (SRAM) and NOR flash. The main feature of SRAM is a fast access time, while Flash memory is dense, and also non-volatile i.e. it does not require power to retain data. Because of its low writing speed, Flash memory is mostly used in a read-only fashion (e.g. for code) and the amount of SRAM is kept to a minimum in order to lower leakage power.

Emerging memory technologies exhibit different trade-offs and more heterogeneity. Non-Volatile RAM technologies like MRAM (Magnetic RAM) or RRAM (Resistive RAM) open new perspectives on power-management since they can be switched on or off at very little cost. Their characteristics are very dependent on the technology used, but it is now widely known that they will provide a high integration density and fast read access time to persistent data. NVRAM is usually not as fast as SRAM and some technologies have a limited endurance hence are not suited to store frequently modified data. In addition, most NVRAM technologies have asymmetric access times, writes being slower than reads.

In the context of embedded systems, the hardware architecture is evolving towards a model where different memory banks, with different hardware characteristics, are directly exposed to software, as it has been the case for scratchpad memories (SPM). This raises questions including:

  • What is the expected performance impact of adding fast memory to a system based on NVRAM? In particular: will the addition of a small amount of fast memory result in significant performance improvement?

  • How should one adapt and optimize their software memory management to leverage these new technologies?

In [10], [28], we study these questions in the perpective of dynamic memory allocation. In this first study we show, with extensive profiling how much can be gained with a clever dynamic memory allocation in the context of heterogeneous memory. We limit the study to two different memories, RAM and NVRAM for instance. This gain can go up to 15% of performance, depending of course of the performances of the different memories used. These results will be helpfull to design a clever dynamic allocator for these new architectures and also will help in the design process of new architecture for low power systems that will include NVRAM for normaly-off systems for instance.

Arithmetic for signal processing

Linear Time Invariant (LTI) filters are often specified and simulated using high-precision software, before being implemented in low-precision fixed-point hardware. A problem is that the hardware does not behave exactly as the simulation due to quantization and rounding issues. The article [7] advocates the construction of LTI architectures that behave as if the computation was performed with infinite accuracy, then converted to the low-precision output format with an error smaller than its least significant bit. This simple specification guarantees the numerical quality of the hardware, even for critical LTI systems. Besides, it is possible to derive the optimal values of all the internal data formats that ensure that the specification is met. This requires a detailed error analysis that captures not only the quantization and rounding errors, but also their infinite accumulation in recursive filters. This generic methodology is detailed for the case of low-precision LTI filters in the Direct Form I implemented in FPGA logic. It is demonstrated by a fully automated and open-source architecture generator tool integrated in FloPoCo, and validated on a range of Infinite Impulse Response filters.

Karatsuba multipliers on modern FPGAs

The Karatsuba method is a well-known technique to reduce the complexity of large multiplications. However it is poorly suited to the rectangular 17x25-bit multipliers embedded in recent Xilinx FPGAs: The traditional Karatsuba approach must under-use them as square 18x18 ones. In [17], the Karatsuba method is extended to efficiently use such rectangular multipliers to build larger multipliers. Rectangular multipliers can be efficiently exploited if their input word sizes have a large greatest common divider. In the Xilinx FPGA case, this can be obtained by using the 17x25 embedded multipliers as 16x24. The obtained architectures are implemented with due detail to architectural features such as the pre-adders and post-adders available in Xilinx DSP blocks. They are synthesized and compared with traditional Karatsuba, but also with (non-Karatsuba) state-of-the-art tiling techniques that make use of the full rectangular multipliers. The proposed technique improves resource consumption and performance for multipliers of numbers larger than 64 bits.

PyGA: a Python to FPGA compiler prototype

In a collaboration with Intel, Yohann Uguen has worked on a compiler of Python to FPGA [22]. Based on the Numba Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for Python and the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL, it allows any Python user to use a FPGA card as an accelerator for Python seamlessly, albeit with limited performance so far.

General computer arithmetic

A second edition of the Handbook for Floating-Point Arithmetic has been published [38].

With colleagues from Aric, we have worked on a critical review [42] of the Posit system, a proposed alternative to the prevalent floating-point format.